George Allen Miller

Media Kit

Author BIO:

George Allen Miller was born in Cheverly, Maryland, just outside of Washington D.C. He has called the DC, Maryland and Virginia area, commonly called the DMV, his home for half a century. He has been writing ever since he was fifteen just after reading his first science fiction book by Isaac Asimov.

A life long fan of science fiction, George soon found a fondness for hard-boiled detective novels and humorous fantasy and SciFi.

Eugene McGillicuddy’s Alien Detective Agency is George’s first published novel.

Fun Facts / Podcaster Topics:

Favorite color: Green – no Blue…
Favorite individual book: Grunts by Mary Gentle
Favorite SciFi Series: Xenogenesis by Octavia E. Butler
Favorite SciFi book series made up of other Series: Isaac Asimov – Robot, Empire, Foundation.
Favorite Fantasy series: Discword – Terry Pratchett
Favorite Fantasy series with dragons: Dragonrealm series by Richard Knaack
Favorite comic book hero: Spidey!
Hobby: Starting real hobbies only to procrastinate my way out of them. (have three guitars and one bass (can’t really play any of them), electronic keyboard (donated to charity), fishing gear (unused), started flight school (didn’t finish), can speak one sentence in four languages, scuba gear (can’t swim) and a green belt in four martial arts).
Favorite pet: Dog.
Favorite sport team: Washington Football Team. (I don’t use the C word…)
Favorite odd sport: Curling. It’s cool.
Favorite The Ocho sport: Teqball. It’s wild.
D&D Alignment: Depends on the week….
Favorite food: All – but can’t go wrong with pizza and a beer.
Last watched TV show: Mrs. Davis – very cool. But also – huh?
Favorite Doctor: Old school- Tom Baker. New School- David Tenant.
Favorite Master (Doctor Who Villain): Old School-Anthony Ainley. New School- Derek Jacobi.
Favorite Captain: Picard!
Writing habits: A half-plotting pantser!
Age when started writing: 15
First professional publication: “Who ya Living?” published in 2016 by Fantastic Stories of the Imagination. A story of immortal humans that had begun swapping out the first hundred years worth of their memories.
Biggest phobia: Walking across wizard guarded rope bridges.

Media History:

Podcast: Digital Marketing Masters Podcast – January 18th 2024

Podcast: The Detective Writer Podcast – January 29th 2024

Podcast: Co-Host Diego

Podcast: Para or Normal Guyz

Podcast: Les is Made
Coming Soon!

Podcast: After the Apocalypse

Colliding Worlds Podcast

Professional Memberships

Full Member Science Fiction Writers of America

George Allen Miller

Alice Pemberton's Bureau of Scientific Inquiry

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