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George Miller  

Looking for Podcasts!

Just a shout out to anyone that happens across my blog AND happens to run a podcast. I’m actively looking to be a guest on Podcasts to help launch my upcoming novel, Eugene J. McGillicuddy’s Alien Detective Agency. I can’t really afford a publicist, at least no in the next thirty days, so I have to Gonzo market this thing, which basically means “wing it”, and yes I’m a huge fan of Hunter S. Thompson. And I thought hitting up some Podcasts might be a great way to get some buzz.

So, if anyone is looking for a Podcast guest to chat about SciFi, Technology, Futurism, or anything related, drop me a note here and let’s do it! You can email me directly at George AT this website!

George Allen Miller

Alice Pemberton's Bureau of Scientific Inquiry

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